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Why Is There a 12-step Group Dedicated to Crystal Meth Addiction?
CMA wasn’t founded until 1994. Bill C., a crystal meth addict who abused crystal meth exclusively, started the group after gaining 16 years of clean time using Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He believed that the secretaries of the AA meetings he attended did not like to call on those who abused crystal meth exclusively and that, as a result, crystal meth addicts were not served well by the group. By starting a group dedicated to those who abuse crystal meth, he felt that the singleness of purpose improved participants’ chances of remaining clean and sober and avoiding a crystal meth relapse.
Crystal Meth Anonymous Quick Facts
Crystal Meth Anonymous held its first meeting on September 16, 1994.
Bill C., a recovering meth addict, had 16 years sober when he began CMA.
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a nonprofit without affiliation with any other organization, including Alcoholics Anonymous.
It is estimated that there are about 500 meetings in 41 states and in provinces in three countries.
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